Our Values
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Gaines Chapel Global Methodist Church is all about Jesus. We call each other meet, trust, receive, know, experience, follow and reflect him personally and collectively. Our faith takes root and bears fruit as we stay connected to him and his body the church. Gaines Chapel is a wonderful place to meet and to mature in Christ.
Our church treasures the scriptures. We hold the bible to be authoritative and trustworthy from Genesis to Revelation. God gave us the bible to draw us to himself. The Holy Spirit inspired, accompanies and informs the reading of the scriptures in a way that awakens and deepens our faith.
At Gaines Chapel we emphasize reading, studying, meditating, contemplating, and embodying God’s words. We encourage people to examine scriptures for themselves and to study them with others in Sunday School and Wednesday night Bible studies. Our pastor exposits the scriptures in light of their various contexts within the whole of scripture on Sunday mornings.
If faithfulness to the scripture is important to you, consider Gaines Chapel your church home.
We believe that the Christian life is a movement from grace to grace. What God does for us and in us is crucial. Salvation begins, continues and ends with God’s initiative and not our own. As we place our faith in the Lord, God not only saves of from guilt and death but from the dominion of sin such that we are liberated to live for God. All of our works are the outgrowth of his work of grace within us that empowers us to do his will and grow in his likeness. Join us as we grow in God’s grace together.
Our church values its Wesleyan heritage. We share the historical teachings of the Wesleyan movement as outlined in the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church, the Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, the Standard Sermons of Wesley, and Wesley’s Explanatory Notes of the New Testament. We maintain our historic practice of Wesleyan Means of Grace and affirm Wesley’s Way of Salvation. We regularly sing the hymns of Charles Wesley. Like the early Methodist Church we pursue both personal and social holiness. Come along with us as we seek to live out the faith of John and Charles Wesley and the early Methodists in our own situation.
While we appreciate our Wesleyan heritage, we celebrate what God is doing in other churches and denominations locally and globally. We are a small part of the greater work God is doing through his people throughout the earth. For that reason, we are willing to cooperate with, work with and learn from other brothers and sisters in Christ of all ethnicities who are part of other churches and theological traditions.
Gaines Chapel is a warm fellowship. People get to know each other. Most of our church is involved in some sort of small group ministry. We eat weekly meals together. We have ample social opportunities. People hang out together outside of church. If you want to be relationally connected, Gaines Chapel is your church.
People of all ages have found a church home at Gaines Chapel. We value everyone from the youngest to the oldest among us. We have vital Sunday School Classes and
Small Groups for children, youth and adults. Whatever your season of life, you’ll find a place for yourselves and / or your family to connect at Gaines Chapel.
Though Gaines Chapel is a warm fellowship, it is not a mere social club. We have a heart to reach our city, area and surrounding world with the Gospel. We want to make a difference in our own backyard, across the tracks and around the globe by reaching out in service, love, and mission. We invite you to join your efforts to our efforts as we seek to make an impact together for God’s Kingdom.